Click to enlarge.
Back of house
to be added...
View from front of house
"interim fix"
during remodel
View from front of house - AFTER! (not
that it's really totally done...)
It's hard to tell the color of the front room walls in the pix, they're not
pink! They're sort of...
terra cotta-ish. The back of the now dining room was the back of the
house. You can see
part of the new bathroom to the right, that is where the kitchen sink & stove
used to be.
Ye Olde Kitchen
"interim" - finally finished the bottom cabinet doors just before we tore it
(much nastier than it looks!) (much cuter than
it looks!)
We actually used the kitchen like this for
several weeks. It's only as wide as you can see in the picture.
New Kitchen
Building the floor Walls!
skylights & window over sink
After! This is it in its abandoned state, it's not done up as pretty as
it normally would be. NOTE: still awaiting my pull-out trash can to
the right of the sink. Hint, hint, dear hubby... oh well, guess I wouldn't
be using it much right now...
This is the other part of the room, photo taken 2 yrs ago. Still looks
mostly the same,
there are some things hanging on the walls and a different rug. Mike
promises new
furniture upon our return! (What? And lose the fancy entertainment
center from Target?)
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