We made another big trip this month (April) out to CA to see the kinfolk.  We had a great time, as always.  We tried to go to the Getty museum, but were denied!!  as it was full that day.  We did make it to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, which was fun.  Here we are at the Aquarium, trying to look very L.A. in our shades.

And here's Mommy and Myra checking out some exhibits.  In case anyone is wondering, YES, it is very possible to nurse and admire tropical fish at the same time.  (Well, for the mom, anyway.  Myra didn't see much while nursing...!)

They had very cool jellyfish at the aquarium, this is just one variety.

And here is a sea lion, playing with a buoy.

Stay tuned, next month we're off to Vegas and then back to California again!  Mike figured out that if we were buying tickets for Myra, she'd have 20,000 air miles by July.  She'd be close to Elite status on Northwest, upgrading to first class and annoying some business people. 


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