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Ann Arbor

Here is our apartment building in February 2001

And Mike in Downtown Ann Arbor

So, Michigan isn't ALL bad - you can't do this in L.A.:
Canoeing on the river last summer - the pictures don't do justice to how beautiful it was!

A couple of views of Domino's Farms

Beautiful downtown Detroit...

Second City Detroit shares the building with "Hockeytown" restaurant.  (Don't ask me, no one can explain why this is.)  A note:  drunken Redwings fans are SUCH a treat...

Comerica Park, home of the Tigers, is right across the street.  This picture was taken from the roof of the parking structure seen in the picture above.  (to the right of where it says "Fox.")

Another neighbor to Second City is the famous (I guess) Fox Theatre.  Looking at the Hockeytown/Second City picture, this is to the left.

Here is another view from the parking structure - you see the awe-inspiring beauty that is downtown Detroit, and understand why I'm homesick...

Oh okay, here's a prettier picture, a view of Detroit from across the river in Windsor, Canada.

And here, for no particular reason, we share a picture of the statue of Hazen S. Pingree, mayor of Detroit from 1890-97.


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